112 N. Spring St; Elgin, IL 60120
Chapter 7 & ­­Chapter 13

Free consultation with an attorney

Clear, concise and informed consultation. Obtain the best solution for your circumstances

Stress -free bankruptcy process

You will have our support and guidance throughout the entire process. We will work hard to make this process stress free.

Discharge and Ongoing Legal Support

We will see your through the discharge of your debts. We look forward to answering any questions you may have long after your discharge.
1. We will provide you with a clear and honest consultation to assess your financial circumstances. Please bring any documents that you wish us to review and explain to you such as collection letters and any court documents.
2. We will help you weigh all your options. Even options instead of bankruptcy to choose the best solution to your debts.
3. Our attorneys will determine if you are eligible and help you decide if a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is the right solution.
4. If a bankruptcy is your solution then we will organize and simplify this process to reduce your stress. We will collect all your necessary documents, make copies and return all originals.
5. You register and complete your Pre-filing Bankruptcy class.
6. Once we have completed your petition, we will meet to review your petition with you and answer any questions you may have about your petition.
7. Your bankruptcy is filed and then you have bankrptcy protection begins. All collection and court actions are paused for 30 days. Wei will receive the date for your 341 trustee meeting.
8. You will register and complete your Pre-Discharge bankruptcy class.
9. Prior to your trustee 341 meeting we will review the questions you wil be asked by the Trustee. We will attend your 341 trustee meeting with you.
10. We will review and collect yur signature for the reaffirmation agreements for your secured assets.
11. Your bankruptcy is approved and you will obtain your Discharge Order forty-five (45) days from your 341 trustee meeting.
11. Attorney is always available to review any questions after the Bankruptcy is approved and your discharge has been granted. We are your attorneys now and always.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 is the most common form of bankruptcy. If eligible, this type of bankruptcy is the simplest and the quickest option to erase your debts. We will help you determine if this is the best solution for your financial circumstances.
If you (and your spouse, if filing jointly) meet the federal Chapter 7 bankrutpcy guidelines then you will complete this process and obtain your discharge within approximately 90 days. If you are not eligible for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy then we can explain your options in Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Your Debts in a Chapter 7

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will obtain a full dicharge of your personal liaiblity for your unsecured debts. Examples of unsecured debts include credit cards, personal loans and medical bills. We will explain to you how your secured debts are treated in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Examples of secured debts are your mortgage, car loan and financed furniture, electronics or appliances. In your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may surrender, reaffirm or potential renegotiate the terms of your secured debt. Provided that your secured creditor is willing to make changes to the terms of your secured debt.

Our Promise to You

We understand that by the time you speak with an attorney you have typically already dealt with the stress of your financial circumstances for a while ane we work to reduce your stress and make the filing process as simple and stress as possible for you. More importantly, our representation does not end with your discharge. Should you ever have questions about your bankruptcy we are here to answer them long after you have received your discharge. We look forward to helping you obtain financial peace and freedom.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a repayment plan that is available to you (and your spouse if you file jointly) when you are not eligible for discharge of their debts through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You may not be eligible for a Chapter 7 bankrupcy for a number of reasons, such as income that excedes the household income threshold or personal assets that are valued in excess of Chapter 7 bankrupcy exemptions guidelines.

The Relief a Chapter 13 Offers

A Chapter 13 may allow you to to cure defaults on home mortgages, pay taxes, and discharge debts not dischargeable in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Throughout your Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan, you may stay in possession and control of their assets. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a powerful tool for you to regain control of your finances and get a meaningful fresh start.

Your Repayment Plan

Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan sets out the terms of your repayment of debts to your creditors for a maximum term of 60 monthly payments. Your plan sets how much you pay the trustee each month to pay each of your creditors. Through your Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan you may be required to pay all your payments in full or your plan may provide that you only pay a percentage of your debt. The repayment amount is based on the your income, assets and debts.

Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide you with the relief you seek for your debts. Contact us today at 847-468-1200 to schedule your appointment to meet with us to discuss your debts. We look forward to helping you find a solution to resolve your debts.